![]() 01/09/2017 at 17:33 • Filed to: jobs, layoffs, shit post | ![]() | ![]() |
and really haven’t been in the mood to do anything. Everyone’s in a state of shock and wondering who’s next.
I work at a company that specializes in consumer accessories (think wallets, handbags, watches, etc) and the market has really been hit hard by consumer’s spending habits and lack of foot traffic at our brick and mortar stores. For the sake of my sanity, you all can guess away which company, but I’m not ready to divulge where I work as the layoffs/restructuring are not completed yet.
How’s everyone else’s Monday going?!?! Anyone find a sweet deal on a brown manual shooting brake wagon?
![]() 01/09/2017 at 17:35 |
dang dude sorry to hear that :’( Finger’s crossed things turn out good for ya homie
![]() 01/09/2017 at 17:38 |
Sorry man, I currently work in a retail store that’s not doing so great. No layoffs thankfully but constantly cutting hours, not replacing people who leave and letting working conditions get worse and worse. Im leaving shortly for something else but I still have an emotional stake in it because I know some great people who still rely on the company for their income and know more cutbacks are coming.
![]() 01/09/2017 at 17:38 |
Keep your chin up.
![]() 01/09/2017 at 17:40 |
Ugh, that sucks. My wife’s company isn’t doing so well either. It’s about half the size that it was a year ago, and more business is being lost. She’s gotten so stressed out, I’m to the point where I actually hope they lay her off so we can get out of limbo. Good luck to you!
![]() 01/09/2017 at 17:40 |
Thanks amigo. I have to sweat it out one more day...
![]() 01/09/2017 at 17:44 |
Yup, lots of immensely talented people being shown the door. Just walked by an area with 10 people huddled together talking/crying/gossiping about what’s next.
![]() 01/09/2017 at 17:48 |
The slow economy is hurting everyone. I work in Reality TV and it’s been flatlining since so many networks switched to scripted shows.
![]() 01/09/2017 at 17:49 |
It really sucks, I hope they all find themselves in enjoyable work shortly and I hope you arent laid off or find something better. Sometimes these things can lead you to greener pastures, my girlfriend got laid off once and ended up in a job she likes a lot more, so its not always doom and gloom.
![]() 01/09/2017 at 17:54 |
Thank you. Good luck to you and the Mrs as well!
![]() 01/09/2017 at 17:56 |
Make America Reality TV Again.
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I feel your pain, my former company laid off over 30,000 people worldwide. I used to work for a large oil field service company. Thankfully I wasn’t a first round draft pick, I was chosen in the later rounds, so I had time to do things like pay of my car and save some money.
![]() 01/09/2017 at 18:08 |
Sorry to hear, I know firsthand (as many do) the stress of layoffs. Are they offering at least a severance package for folks?
No Country For Old Men is a cool book (and movie).
![]() 01/09/2017 at 18:13 |
My company just did a massive layoff of about 1/5th of the employees due to a slow 2016 and an almost completely empty pipeline.
Our manager protected us because we’re critical to their operations, but it’s still frightening to see so many of my coworkers go. The rate of layoffs has been accelerating recently and we’re as small as we’ve been since a couple years after I started (which reduced costs and increased employee effectiveness considerably).
![]() 01/09/2017 at 18:14 |
I thought they switched to reality shows to reduce production costs. Aren’t scripted shows more expensive to produce?
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My company has been running in that “don’t replace those that leave” mode for most of the last year. Doubling up on jobs, spreading them to remaining employees.
It’s not as bad as my last employer, which ran like that for the entire time I worked there (I was the last actual replacement they hired). It’s often a sign of a dying business, sadly.
![]() 01/09/2017 at 18:50 |
I’m pretty wary of local housing bubble. I think I have about a year left of smooth sailing but that pop is coming.
![]() 01/09/2017 at 19:03 |
The limited??
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It’d be hilarious if Trump has a reality TV show about himself being president. I’d probably even watch it, to be honest.
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foreclosure homes still need inspections. A friend who works for a serv pro like business had a bunch of work in 2009-10 repairing foreclosed homes.
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I’m not an inspector though
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interior decorating with your awesome knowledge of chandeliers?
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No, but that is sadly the closest guess anyone has ever made on here.
![]() 01/09/2017 at 19:58 |
Sorry, man. Been there. Hope you make it through.
![]() 01/09/2017 at 20:03 |
Come work in the chemical industry! We restructure, buyout, consolidate, go under, etc every 4-6 years.
Seriously though it is really sketchy not being able to know you have a secure job.
![]() 01/09/2017 at 20:55 |
I feel for you. My SO is in retail. They sell expensive cameras. You know what one of the things that rapidly drops when things get slow? Expensive Camera sales.
I make car parts. We aren’t due for another shakeup for a couple of years.
![]() 01/09/2017 at 22:49 |
Ha! No, they pulled a “fuck this shit, we’re out” and closed all their stores Friday. We’re still around though.
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They’re offering a very generous severance package. All things being equal, I’d like to stick around and create fun things with my friends.
And, yes, No Country For Old Men is on my Mount Rushmore of movies.
![]() 01/09/2017 at 22:54 |
Same story here: expensive handbags, watches, etc aren’t moving nearly as well as we thought.
At least we still have our health, right? :|
![]() 01/09/2017 at 22:59 |
Ouch. 30K out of work in one company? Didn’t realize the oil/gas lull was that bad. Funny thing is, one of my HS buddies tried to lure me out of my current job to be a safety inspector on some oil/gas rigs in Colorado.
It was very tempting but decided to stay put close to my family here in TX.
![]() 01/09/2017 at 23:00 |
Lol. I’m fat and old. Health is a myth.
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I’m in a very small team of creatives (eight of us) and we touch so many parts of the company, it’s hard to imagine any of us would be let go.
Tomorrow is gonna be rough.
![]() 01/09/2017 at 23:05 |
Yeah, I think there was something like over 200k jobs lost in Texas alone.
When it was booming, if you really wanted to I’m sure you could’ve found work in Texas.
I’m trying to find a job in something outside of oil, and am having no luck.
![]() 01/09/2017 at 23:13 |
You all over LinkedIn? I swear I’ve received 2-3 emails today alerting me of “design jobs in your area.”
Résumé status: ready.
![]() 01/09/2017 at 23:36 |
Yeah I have been
![]() 01/09/2017 at 23:52 |
The place I work (family owned company) is sending over half the staff to Florida on Wednesday for three days for a “team building exercise” when there is multiple locations in the local area for the same exact thing that everyone could participate in. I was one of five people in the main office not going. This is the same company that locks expenses and won’t allow any raises higher than 2% regardless of performance.. But the owner has purchased three new cars (High Performance Benz/Tricked out Raptor\Luxobarge). Fuck them.
![]() 01/09/2017 at 23:59 |
Not when nobody watches and nobody wants to buy ad space.
![]() 01/10/2017 at 02:05 |
Interesting. Good to know, too.
Oddly, I still watch quality reality shows (there are only a couple), about as many documentary type shows, and far more scripted shows. This was after years of feeling that nothing was worth wasting my time watching.
I almost feel like it’s Netflix and niche cable channels wagging the dog, since they really started bringing them back and you only have so much time, so you need something very compelling.
![]() 01/10/2017 at 08:22 |
I’ll be the owners must be really proud of themselves. Heh, speaking of shitty expensing...
My creative director has been with the company 20 years and as a reward for his years of service, they catered a nice lunch.
Of fucking pizza.
Christ, this isn’t a 6 year old’s birthday party!!!!
I even offered to pay for some of the catering bill from a really nice restaurant just around the corner but was dismissed by middle managment. Nice.
![]() 01/10/2017 at 10:27 |
Our Christmas Party this year was catered food from.. Somewhere, which was awful (the year before we had Moe’s Southwest Grille) and it was delicious.
We also had NO games, it was literally everyone in the office standing around talking from 2pm to 4pm (some stayed even later.. Until 8pm.. There was alcohol at the “party”). I left promptly at 4pm, lol.
![]() 04/25/2017 at 19:30 |
Years ago my division of Hughes Aircraft was purchased by Raytheon. They held a major announcement in the auditorium, and everyone coming in got a free Raytheon duffel bag. That’s when they announced outsourcing 95% of the IT staff as well as many other jobs.
The duffel bag was a really a poorly chosen ‘gift’. First, who’s going to want something with the logo of a soon-to-be former employer? Second, it seemed to send the message to pack your bags and get out...